What you need to know about your child’s calcium intake

Calcium is a crucial mineral that is most well-known as a key ingredient in helping build strong bones and maintain nerves and muscles functioning properly. It is also essential for heart health.

Every parent knows how important it is to ensure that their children receive the correct amount of nutrients for good growth and development. However, parents who are raising their children might not know much about this nutrient or how to make sure that their children are receiving a sufficient amount.

This article will provide some of the facts you need to be aware of regarding your children and calcium.

What are the reasons why children require the right amount of calcium?

As we grow older, there is only one chance to build strong bones. This is during the time of small adolescents and children. Being able to start an adult life by eating the right foods will ensure that you have the best bones possible, which will degrade much more slowly later on in life.

Vitamin D and calcium are essential to the treatment of rickets among young children. Rickets is an illness that softens bones, slows growth, and can cause soreness in muscles.

Calcium sources

Calcium can be obtained nutritionally from food. Dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and milk are among the top sources. The same amount of nutrients is found in every dairy product, regardless of the fat content.

For those children who are lactose intolerant, they can obtain their milk requirements by sourcing the following:

  • Soybeans
  • Vegetables like kale, broccoli, chard, and other varieties of leafy vegetables
  • Almonds and sesame seeds
  • Chickpeas and red beans, white beans
  • Organs, figs, and prunes

Because of how important calcium is in the diet of a child, it is frequently found in cereals, juices, and other foods that are geared toward children.



How much calcium does an infant require?

How much calcium a healthy child needs is dependent on the child’s age. Although supplements are beneficial in certain situations, it’s best to get the bulk, if not all, of their calcium intake through food sources.

Babies and newborns

Babies receive the majority of their calcium from formula or breast milk. Infants under six months require 200 mg daily, whereas those between 6 and 11 months require at least 260 mg per day.

Infants under one year old shouldn’t be fed any milk other than formula and breast milk.

Teenagers and children are growing up.

As the growth rate of children increases, the need for calcium to aid in the development of the skeleton.

Age 1-3 Age 1-3: 700 mg per day

4- 8 years: 1100 mg per day

Age 9-18: 1300mg day

How can children ensure they get sufficient calcium

Babies are bound to get everything they require through the formula or milk from breasts. The growing children and those entering adolescence may need more from other sources of nutrition like dairy products.

It is important to teach young children about how important this mineral is within their diets and how it can help them avoid problems with their muscles and bones later on in their lives. Do not rely on convenience store-bought flavored milk products since they may contain excessive sugar when compared to their calcium levels.

Additionally, make sure that your children don’t drink too many carbonated drinks because the phosphoric acid in them can hinder the absorption of nutrients. It is recommended to substitute these drinks with fresh orange juice, which is a great source of calcium and vitamin C.


As you will see, there’s plenty to know regarding this crucial nutritional element. We hope the information provided above will assist you in ensuring that your children grow with strong and healthy bones.

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