The Ugly Truth: Fried Food Raises Heart Attack Risk

US researchers said Monday that people who consume a lot of food that is fried and sweet drinks are at higher risk of suffering from heart disease than those who consume healthier food. The findings in Circulation, a journal published by the American Heart Association, resulted from a six-year study that included more than 17,000 individuals from the United States. ( Cranberry Juice May Protect Against Diabetes & Heart Disease)Researchers discovered that those who ate a lot of what was called a Southern-type diet, which included eggs, fried food, and processed meats such as Ham and bacon, as well as beverages that contain sugar – were at the most significant risk of suffering a heart attack or death related to heart over the next six years.

“Regardless of your gender, race, or where you live, if you frequently eat a Southern-style diet you should be aware of your risk of heart disease and try to make some gradual changes to your diet,” stated lead researcher James Shikany who is a nutrition epidemiologist with the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Division of Preventive Medicine. Load Up on Fish Oil Pills: They could boost heart health for older adults).“Try cutting down the amount of time you consume fried food and processed foods from each day to 3 days per week for a start and then try replacing them with cooked or grilled chicken, or vegetables-based dishes,” advised James. The study comprised African-American and white females and males aged 45 or over who did not suffer from heart disease when they started the investigation. The participants were enrolled from 2003 until 2007. They were screened by telephone, given an in-home physical exam, and answered a food frequency questionnaire. (Coffee For a Healthy Heart: 3-5 cups a Day May Cut Risk of Heart Disease)”Every six months, the participants were interviewed via telephone about their general health status and hospitalizations for nearly six years,” said the study. The participants fell into five distinct food groups, including Southern-type eaters, those who preferred convenience food items such as pasta, Mexican food, Chinese food mixed dishes, pizza, and Mexican food, as well as The “plant-based” pattern, which was primarily fruits and vegetables and The “sweets” pattern; and the “alcohol/salads” group which tended towards wine, beer alcohol, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables as well as salad dressings. The Southern-style eaters were among the only ones more likely to suffer from heart disease.

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