Sugar: a guide to the sweet stuff in all its forms

Can you indulge in sweet food and drinks without consuming many calories? Is honey healthier than refined sugar? Learn to differentiate one sweetener from the other by following our comprehensive guide.

Sugar can be described as sugar, and research has concluded that it’s an easy carbohydrate that nearly everyone in the world’s wealthiest areas eats in large quantities. It’s the same with “natural” sweeteners like maple syrup or honey. However, they could also contain other ingredients that are beneficial to your health or can help you absorb the sugar in them more nutritiously.

This guide will help you understand the various terms and varieties of sweeteners in the vast sugar debate.


Pure sugar is a sugar molecule and one of fructose, which is the cause of the flavor we refer to as “sweet.” We consume three times the amount of sugar as our grandparents ate.


The latest villain of the debate over sugar. Fruit juices have greater levels of fructose, and if it is devoid of fiber, fructose is a source of damage to the liver and other organs. American Endocrinologist Robert Lustig, who came up with”sugar poison,” or the “sugar is poison” furor, believes that excess fructose is the main factor in rising obesity and diabetes. It can also trigger overeating. The law on labeling doesn’t make it mandatory for manufacturers to declare the levels of fructose.

High-fructose corn syrup

A low-cost sugar produced by consuming maize is often used in fizzy drinks and food products that are processed for a low cost. The amount of fructose can be up to 55%.

Table sugar

White sugar comprises 50 50% fructose and 50% glucose from sugar beet or cane. Demerara and the other sugars from Brown are identical. However, they are enriched with Molasses, a byproduct of the sugar refinery process, to add color and flavor. Molasses may contain minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, iron, and potassium.

“No added sugar.”

It is often found in “healthy” fruit juices, five-a-day drinks, and snack foods made of fruit. A loophole in labeling regulations allows sweet, concentrated juices of fruit a possibility – and is, of course, high in fructose sugar. The naturally sweet liquid that removes the fruit’s fiber is believed to be just as harmful (or more dangerous) than cola; however, those who drink the “with bits in” juice that has the fruit’s fiber retained are healthier for you.

Agave nectar honey, maple syrup

Natural sugars are sugar. Claims regarding “unrefined” don’t alter the fact that they’re the same primary chemical. For some sugars derived from plants, such as agave, the levels of fructose can be extremely high, but the label doesn’t reveal the amount. Beneficial minerals and trace elements can be found in the mix; maple syrup is said to have antioxidants that can help fight heart disease.

Artificial sweeteners

Certain substances, like “plant-derived” stevia, saccharin, sorbitol, and xylitol (used as a chewing gum component), are chemical relatives of saccharides in sugar and, therefore, act on the body the same way. Fewer calories are required because they are a hundred times sweeter than sugar.

Non-saccharide sweeteners like aspartame are the base of Nutrasweet and several soft drinks that are low in calories. There have been questions about the health effects of these sweeteners. However, aspartame’s use is currently considered safe.

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