Lemongrass chicken, slow-cooked beef and fried bananas: three crowd-pleasing Vietnamese recipes by Tommy Pham

Bun ga Ap chao (Lemongrass with sesame oil and chicken and vermicelli)

All-in-one Vietnamese noodles are very popular, and this recipe demonstrates how simple it is to cook these at home. This is an excellent method to increase your family’s green consumption. It can be turned into a fun”make-your-own-bowl” event and get the children engaged.

It can accommodate two adults as well as two small children.

One packet of rice vermicelli noodles is cooked in accordance with the instructions on the packet.
One bunch of mints chopped roughly
One bunch of coriander, finely chopped
1. Butter lettuce chopped roughly
Two chilies from a bird’s eye, roughly chopped

The lemongrass chicken
2 tbsp oyster sauce
Two teaspoons of sesame oil
2 tsp fish sauce
1/2 1 tsp sugar
4 tbsp minced Lemongrass as well as frozen Lemongrass (available at Asian grocery stores)
Six cloves garlic, minced
Four thighs of chicken. Skin as much as possible
Two tablespoons of vegetable oil

The lemongrass chicken sauce.
6 tbsp of water
2 tbsp oyster sauce
Two teaspoons of sesame oil
2 tsp fish sauce
1/2 1 tsp sugar

To pickle the carrots (optional, however recommended)
3 tbsp rice wine vinegar
3 2 tablespoons white vinegar
3 Tbsp hot water
Three tablespoons sugar
One carrot peeled and grated

The nuoc mam dressing
4 tbsp fish sauce
4 2 tablespoons sugar
6 tbsp of warm water
1 1/2 Tbsp lime juice or rice wine vinegar
Two cloves garlic, minced
1 or 2 bird’s-eye chillies, minced (optional)

For the lemongrass chicken, mix the sesame oil, oyster sauce, sugar, fish sauce, garlic, and Lemongrass in a bowl of a large size. Combine the chicken with the ingredients and mix thoroughly, making sure that the chicken is covered, and then allow it to marinate for a minimum of 15 minutes.

Place the oil in the pan and cook on a medium flame. Add the chicken and cook constantly, turning to avoid burning, until the chicken is cooked. Transfer the chicken to a platter.

To prepare your lemongrass chicken sauce, add all ingredients to the pan that the chicken was cooked in. Mix to combine, and cook on medium temperature for about one minute or until just a little thickened. Sprinkle the sauce on the chicken, then put it aside.

To make the pickled carrot, mix the white vinegar, rice wine vinegar, hot water, and sugar in a bowl. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the carrot, and allow to pickle for about 15 minutes. After that, remove the filter and place it in a bowl to set aside.

For the dressing made from nuoc mam, mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Stir until the sugar dissolves.

To serve for serving, in each bowl, put an individual serving of rice noodles with a bit of lettuce, mint, coriander, and pickled carrot, as well as chicken. Sprinkle with chili, drizzles of the sauce for chicken, and an ample amount of the salad dressing.

Bobo (Vietnamese stew made of beef)

This is one of the Vietnamese classics that is extremely comforting and super delicious. Bo Kho is a rich beef stew that is tender and fall-apart beef brisket simmered in a smoky, spiced lemongrass broth. Serve it with crisp Vietnamese baguettes or noodles. If I were you, I’d make a double batch of the recipe to have enough leftovers to eat the next day! It will take one hour to marinate your beef, and then throw it all into just one pan, and you’re finished. Also, you’ll need the strainer or muslin cloth. If you’re serving both with noodles, it is necessary to add the beef stock into the stew to make it more fluid for a smooth slurping taste.

Serving two adults as well as two small children.

1 kg of beef brisket divided into big cubes
One teaspoon sugar
One teaspoon salt
1 Tbsp of five-spice powder
1 tbsp vegetable oil and extra oil to fry
3 tsp fish sauce
One stick of cinnamon
One black cardamom pod (optional)
Three pieces of star anise
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1 tsp fennel seeds
Two brown onions peeled and chopped roughly
Five cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp tomato paste
Two liters of beef stock plus 500ml additional (optional) in the event that you are serving the dish with noodles.
Two large stalks of Lemongrass, halved and sliced lengthwise
3-4 carrots peeled to cut them into 3cm-long slices
4 2 tablespoons cornflour

6 Vietnamese baguettes or one packet of fresh egg noodles, according to instructions on the packet, to serve
Thai the basil, garlic, and chives to garnish

Place the meat in an enormous bowl. To make the marinade, mix the sugar salt, five-spice oil, and one teaspoon of fish sauce in the bowl. Pour the marinade over the meat and mix it well until that all the beef is coated. Cover and chill for at least 30 minutes (and up to 5 hours; the more time you let it sit, the longer, the more delicious it gets).

In a microwave-safe bowl, mix the cardamom, cinnamon, and star anise. Add cloves and Fennel seeds. The microwave should be on for about 30 seconds, and then transfer the mix to a clean muslin fabric. The muslin cloth should be tied to form the spice ball.

Pour a small amount of oil into an enormous pot set with a medium flame. Add the garlic and onion and cook for about three to five minutes or until the garlic is soft.

The heat should be increased to high, then add the marinated beef. Cook until the meat is all browned.

Incorporate the tomato paste, 2 three liters of liquid, the Lemongrass, and spice balls into the pot, cover with a lid, bring to a simmering heat, and let it simmer until it is 45 mins.

Add the carrot, and then cover and simmer for a further thirty minutes or till the beef and carrot are soft.

Take the spice ball and the Lemongrass and dispose of them.

In a small bowl, mix the cornflour with six cups of cold water to create a slurry. Add the stew and stir. Let it simmer for two hours or so until it has gotten thicker, and then add some fish sauce. If serving with noodles, you can add the additional 500ml beef stock to make it easier to cook.

Garnish with basil and garlic chives. Serve with crispy Vietnamese baguettes or egg noodles made from fresh.

Chuoi chien (banana fritters)

A little crispy on the exterior and soft and sweet inside, banana fritters are popular among the people who eat them. The Vietnamese version is made with sesame seeds as well as shredded coconut in the batter, which creates an enormous difference in the crunch. Make sure to use sugary bananas that are ripe (or lady fingers). It will not taste as good in the event that your bananas have turned black. Don’t be fooled by me.

Six overly mature (but not soft!) sugar bananas or lady finger bananas
1 cup of plain flour
1/2 cup cornflour
1/2 cup rice flour
1/4 cup sesame seeds
1/2 cup of coconut shredded
1/4 cup sugar
1 x 400ml tin coconut milk
1/3 cup of cold water
2 L vegetable oil to use for deep-frying

Cut the bananas lengthwise, then flatten out the curving side using the help of a spatula or knife.

In a bowl, mix your flour and sesame seeds, sugar, coconut shredded coconut milk, and sugar along with cold water. Mix until it resembles the consistency of a batter.

Incorporate the oil in the pot in a large size and bring to a moderate heat. Place a small amount of batter in the oil. If it begins to bubble up, you’re done.

Add the bananas, one few at a stretch, to the batter, making sure that they are covered.

Each one at a time put a handful of battered bananas in the hot oil.

Fritter fry until golden. Flip them over if necessary. Drain and remove onto a paper towel.

Repeat the process with the remaining bananas, allowing for the oil to cool each time. Serve immediately.

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