Valentine’s Day, ah, it’s a wonderful time of the year. Everything is rosy and fluffy, with buttery; it’s bleh. This isn’t my style. Yes, I’ll have a party and have a party, but it’s more home-cooked, making an amazing meal. There’s no need to go out, make a huge show, or be extravagant. It’s not necessary to earn online points by being wasteful with your lavish gestures (especially in the case of just one Day in the year). Let’s bring our hearts full of happiness and love by enjoying an enjoyable drink, such as the Bitter Valentine.

The last time that I put in an effort to have a meal out for Valentine’s Day, I decided Alice and I would have dinner in one of our favorite places located in LA: The Foundry on Melrose. There’s nothing we didn’t enjoy about this place. The food was fantastic, and the service was top-notch. The grilled cheese was awe-inspiring and is still the most delicious hamburger I’ve ever had. The cocktails were perfect, literally (thanks, Bobby [there’s a story about that, but that’s a different blog post[more on that later]). The food was absolutely delicious.

The downside to having a large V event is there’s always a fixed menu. I fully understand why this is the case since it’s hard to create a complete menu when you’re trying to flip tables and attract as many lovers as possible. The food was delicious. However, I knew that I’d like to return to experience the full meal in part because some of my favorite dishes weren’t included on the menu.

Then they shut.

We didn’t get to enjoy that final dinner there. Eric Greenspan is still one of the top chefs I’ve met (he would stop by each table, talk to us while ensuring that the food was excellent, and then return to governing the kitchen), But having to close the Foundry before we could enjoy that final meal was somewhat bittersweet.

Perhaps we’ll have to find some grilled cheese instead.

But, we’ll go back to the beginning of the story, and the drink in question is The Bitter Valentine. I’ve been wanting to experiment with bitter flavors lately, so I snatched up an ounce of Amaro Lucano, drank a glass, and imagined some Valentine flavor combinations.

This is how I operate my mysterious method of divination by cocktails. The mystery behind the drinks.

Two thoughts came to mind that I brushed aside in case I wanted to explore it in the future, while the other thought was a strawberry.

If you’ve not tried Amaro Lucano, It’s bitter, earthy, and has distinctive botanical notes. One of the things it truly works with is strawberries. If you aren’t convinced, try a sip and see yourself. I’ll wait.

After deciding to travel down Strawberry Lane, I must have been influenced by the growing nature of spring (at least here in California, which is in the 77-degree range today) and thought a nice Tequila drink would be perfect for the occasion.

We were now set with Amaro Lucano, tequila strawberry liqueur, and a few other things. We needed something else there to complete the flavor. This other thing ended up being lemon.

Mix all of them, and you’ll have an energizing, mildly bitter, slightly sweet, surprisingly delicious cocktail. No matter if you like the Day of Teddy Bears or don’t like it, you’ll be able to enjoy this drink. Bitter Valentine.

To everyone else, Let’s talk about that Bitter Valentine!


Type of Recipe drinks

Prep time: 

Cooking time: 

Total time: 

Serves: 1


  • 1 1/2 OZ. TEQUILA


  1. Mix all your booze with the lemon juice into the shaker of your cocktails.
  2. Include some ice.
  3. Shake.
  4. Shake it to eliminate the rage in your heart.
  5. Or fill it with.
  6. Whatever you choose to do to do, shake until it’s nice and cold.
  7. Pour the drink and strain it into a martini glass.
  8. I’ve added straining steps since you don’t want chunks of ice.
  9. If you don’t, do not strain yourself.
  10. Garnish with the strawberry.
  11. Go ahead and be bitter.
  12. Or be content.
  13. In any case, it’s a delicious cocktail.

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